A Really Scary Case History
To explain my point, let’s take a look at an actual case study of a dealership that recently built a stand-alone Quick Lube facility next to his dealership and then launched a marketing campaign to drive more customers into his new facility.
This scene is playing out in far too many dealerships across the country … so how can you prevent this from happening to you when you launch a new marketing campaigns with your CRM vendor?
Let’s start by examining all the factors that led to those disastrous results. This dealership was averaging about 1000 Customer Pay Repair Orders per month @ 1.5 HPRO. When his marketing campaign was launched, it resulted in a 10% increase in traffic which then produced the following:
• 100+ Additional Incoming Service Calls
• 100 Additional Service Appointments
• 100 Additional Maintenance Menu Presentations
• 100 Additional RO’s to Dispatch
• 100 Additional Vehicles to Inspect
• 150 Additional Technician Hours
• 100 Additional Vehicles Requiring Parts
• 100 Additional Vehicles to Park
• 100+ Additional Outgoing Phone Calls for Advisors
• 100 Additional Customers to Cashier
• 100 Additional Active Deliveries
• 100 Additional Next Appointments to Schedule
The dealer was on track to get these results but didn’t because he was not prepared to provide these new customers with the highest level of service possible. This dealer is now experiencing an increase of over 50% in RO count but the net profit is still not there. You can prevent this from happening in your store by following these three simple Rules:
Rule #1 – Evaluate your Capacity for Growth
Rule #2 – Train your Staff for Growth
Rule #3 – Measure Performance Metrics Daily
Rule #1 – Evaluate your Capacity for Growth
Production Capacity
• Measure Shop Productivity (Total hours billed on the RO’s divided by total hours worked
• Set your Shop Productivity Goal at 120%
• Based on your current productivity how many more hours can your Techs produce?
• How many Techs do you need to hire
• What skill level do you need to recruit (Probably “C” level techs)
• Do you have enough lifts and/or bays for additional Techs?
• Is there adequate parking for additional vehicles?
Customer Driven Processes
• Service Reception—Service Advisors work with no more than 12-15 customers per day
• Schedule appointments 15 minutes apart throughout the entire work day
• Do you utilize employees as Service Greeters?
• Utilize electronic Maintenance Menus for speedy, professional presentations with videos
• Can your cashiering process handle the additional traffic without long wait times?
• Is your Waiting Room adequate for the additional “waiters?”
Rule #2 – Train Your Staff for Growth
• 3 Customer Touch Points
1. Incoming Phone Calls
2. Walk-ins
3. Website
• Shocking Facts on Incoming Phone Calls (Source: Phone Pops)
1. 81% Of CP Labor comes from the phones
2. 86% of Advisors try to diagnose concerns over the phone
3. 81% of Advisors quote repair prices over the phone before knowing what the problem is
4. 95% of Advisors quote higher prices than Independent Shops, allowing customers to shop around
• Incoming Phone Call Training
1. Utilize Appointment Coordinators or Call Center NOT Advisors for scheduling appointments
2. Do not quote prices for mechanical repairs over the phone
3. Avoid diagnosing over the phone
4. Sell appointments at 15 minute intervals throughout the work day
• Walk-ins
1. Never say “NO”
2. Always tell the customer what you can do versus what you can’t do
3. Allow 20% of your schedule for Walk-ins & Upsells
4. Carryovers are welcome
• Website
1. Promote current maintenance specials
2. Build value in your services
3. Utilize Interactive Online Maintenance Menus so your customer can “sell themselves”
4. Offer online appointment scheduling
5. Consider building a complete Fixed Operations webpage
Rule #3 – Measure Performance Daily
• # Incoming phone calls
1. Is volume increasing—decreasing —or stagnant?
2. Phone shop & record ALL Advisors—Appointment Coordinators monthly
• # Appointments Scheduled
1. Is volume increasing—decreasing—or stagnant?
2. Set appointments 15 minutes apart for each Advisor
3. Follow up on ALL No Shows to reschedule
• Technician performance
1. # Hours produced versus # hours worked—DAILY
2. # Of Multipoint Inspections completed
3. # of Additional Service Request by Technician
4. # of RO’s per day per Tech, CP, Warranty & Internal
• Service Advisor performance
1. # of Customers serviced per day @ 12-15, CP & Warranty
2. Dollar sales per RO
3. Effective Labor Rate—Labor Margin & Parts Margin
4. Total Sales and Gross Profit sold versus Goal
5. Hold everyone Accountable for their performance—DAILY
6. Praise for a job well done & take Corrective Action for Underachievers
By following these three rules you can expect to avoid a negative ROI from your marketing campaign and start achieving a ROI that will produce for you the record profits that you deserve.
If you have any questions, call me or send me an email.
Call Don Reed toll free at 1-888-553-0100
Or email dreed@dealerprotraining.com.
Remember the Rules: Evaluate your Capacity—Train your Personnel—Measure Performance Daily. Isn’t it about time to get serious about service?
Don Reed
CEO-DealerPRO Training